Hi Everyone,

I just joined the list.  My name is Mariana, I'm 31, Brazilian (from Rio,
but currently living elsewhere), and unfortunately not a musician.  I spent
my childhood in Boston, where my stepfather studied double bass at the New
England Conservatory.  So I grew up listening to classical music - mostly
to him practicing up to 8 hours a day.  I myself played the piano, guitar
and double bass (which is by far my favorite instrument), but the never
had the discipline to take it seriously.

Needless to say, I'm a fan of Gary Karr's - his interpretation of
Schubert's Arpeggione Sonata is simply the best I ever heard.  I also
have a special fondness for Bottesini, Dragonetti, Haydn's Trumpet Concerto
and all things Bach.

Some of you are probably familiar with Brazilian composer Villa-Lobos,
but I was wondering if any of you piano fans have heard of Ernesto
Nazareth.  If not, I would recommend a cd recorded by Arthur Moreira
Lima (excellent Brazilian pianist), which you can get at Amazon.  Nazareth
is sometimes heavily influenced by Chopin, but most of the time he's very
original - you can hear the typical Brazilian flavor that later gave birth
to samba, etc.

cheers to you all,