Wilson Pereira <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>Could you recommend me a good recording of Beethovens Choral Fantasia
>for piano chorus and orchestra? The only recommendation I have is the
>Sony SM2K 47522 disc, with Rudolf Serkin and Leonard Bernstein.  But this
>is a 2 CD set at medium price.  I was thinking in a single CD at bargain
>price...  Do I have any chance?

Somewhere (not yet unpacked) I have it on a double disc -- either VoxBox
or Allegretto, IIRC, which means it was under $10.  It appears on disc
1 as the major work with a variety of Beethoven bagatelles and minor
piano pieces -- disc 2 is taken up with about 6 Wagner overtures, incl a
ravishing rendition of Rienzi.  Can't remember who's playing unfortunately
-- at least not till I find which of the twelve boxes of CDs awaiting
unpacking its in.  Cheers

Tim Mahon
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