Arturo Llamas:

>Hi Dear List members: I would like to know just a little more about
>Mussorgsky's "Pictures" I mean how many orchestrations are? Just two?
>I mean Ravel & Gortschakov only? By the way, who was Gortschakov? Any
>good on-line source? Any excelent recording? Thanks in advance.

I love this work.  Years ago, I read about the orchestrations of it.
I dimly recall a figure at that time around 30.  The first arrangement was
by a Russian by Tushmalov, a Rimsky pupil.  This has been recorded, but I
don't know whether it was ever transferred to CD.  I've heard arrangements
by Hamilton Harty, Tomita, Stokowski, Ravel (of course), Gortschakov, and
even Ward Swingle.  When I was taking orchestration classes, selections
from Pictures were always popular choices with students.

Steve Schwartz