Mimi wrote:

>Yeah.  Women just hate classical music.  They'd rather watch football and
>drink beer.

Well Mimi, yes, I spent this afternoon watching The Gunners-Arsenal
Football Club-beat Chelsea in the F.A.  Cup Final, and yes, with a small
bottle of Shepherd Neame's "Spitfire" A.K.A.  The Bottle of Britain.  (As
it said in the now-banned Ad.  on the Underground in London, "Downed all
over East Kent-Like the Luftwaffe).  I expect the Archbishop of my home
(and much blitzed) City-Canterbury - was watching too; Dr.Carey is a
supporter.  And yes- I sang in the Cathedral's Sunday Evening Choir for
a few years, and love Baroque Music..  Appreciation of the one does not
necessarily forbid appreciation of the other.  Why, after all was the
"Three Tenors' Concert" arranged in Rome in 1990? Because these singers
were there- for the football!
