
I am organizing a Session for SHA 2003 in Providence, RI.

Theme: "Over Land, Over Sea: Trade During the Colonial Period."

I wish to cover the maritime activities the brought the colonies into
being and made them grow. I know this is broad, but I feel that trade
touched every part of colonial life. Therefore, both terrestrial and
underwater sites can be addressed as well as the historical research
associated with town settlement and development.

Deadline for submission of related materials is June 1, 2002 however, MY
DEADLINE Is MAY 15, 2002 as I will be out of the country after MAY 17, 2002.

If you wish to participate, please contact me.

I will need to collect (per SHA guidelines) and submit all at once, by MAY
15, 2002:

Your abstract.
Copy of your Application Form.
Pre-registration fees and paperwork (if you are a student, a copy of
your ID)

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Students are
Mechelle Kerns-Nocerito- University of St Andrews, Scotland

Mechelle Kerns, M.A.
Historical Archaeologist
Anne Arundel County's Lost Towns Project
Anne Arundel Planning & Zoning
2664 Riva Road
Annapolis, Maryland
21401 USA
Work Phone: 410-222-7441
Fax Number: 410-222-7255

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