Walter Meyer ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>While we're talking about CD playing times, I'm now going through the 11-CD
>set of the Shostakovich symphonies on Brilliant, that I ordered from
>Berkshire.  It's hard to complain about a set costing US$1.99 per disk plus
>shipping and handling, but...
>Symphony No. 12 occupies a CD all by itself using up 37' 07" of playing time.
>Symphony No. 14 occupies a CD all by itself using up 45' 38" of playing time.
>Symphony No. 15 occupies a CD all by itself, using up 37'54" of playing time.

Hard Walter? Ungrateful would be the word I'd use.  Or perhaps churlish?:-)

Anyway, it means you can simply forget about the CD with 12 on it....:-)

I also have this set; I've not played them all yet, but my feelings about
4, 5, 7, 8 and 11 (whcih I have) are that they are all good but not great

Deryk Barker
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