The only "Circle" is the never ending one- pour cause - of love of
music.  All kind of music, all kinds of people.  We can learn from one
another-sometimes by chance.  My younger son (35) suddenly discovered
a love of Baroque oboe-he was used to listening to me play at home
with an excellent amateur, and although he loves Trad.Jazz and listened
intermittently over the years to classical music, something suddenly last
year rang a bell and took him back years, to the oboe.  He called it "All
that brainwashing at home because there was always something going on" We
never know when something is going to seep through the we have loved,
almost unconsciously without realising it.

Oddly enough, I have started a discussion about this on another List
today.  I will quote a little of my contribution:

   How do most of our Listers view the frequent "Crossovers" of Opera
   Artists from Classical to Broadway to "almost" pop.? I loved Ramey
   in "On The Town" but not Hampson.  I don't like the singers in Yeoman
   of the Guard using their natural dialects- Thoams allen and Bryn
   Terfel -but Thomas Allen "The Watters O' Tyne" a "hit" with a visiting
   friend from Durham, is lovely.  Hampson does the most moving rendering
   of "Roses of Picardy" you have ever heard, but that was a recording
   of a "Live" concert on Radio Three, like one of Schuberts Leid
   evenings.and appropriate.

I have a great love of all kinds of music, to listen to and especially
toaccompany, as an amateur, not very good facility of movement, but timing
and sight reading no problem, and some kind of inborn rapport with most
people.  Hence Big "Johnson" - the Bombay (black cat) look-a-like who
follows (accompanies) me everywhere-being named for Graham.  Who, being a
really nice person, found a minute to write back when I'd sent him a photo
of his namesake and tell me that he took it as a lovely complimnent.

Doris ><>