Karl Meyer:

>For me, prizes are just that, prizes. As to what they say...I love the
>definition in my dictionary: "Something offered or striven for in
>competition or in contests of chance." While I don't know the Brant piece,
>I can't say that I have really paid much attention to the
>Pulitzer...unless of course, they consider offering one to me.

When I was an undergraduate at Columbia I reviewed a Brant work for the
Columbia Spectator.  (Brant must have been on the Columbia faculty.) All
I remember was that it was pleasant, and featured instruments in various
parts of the concert hall, which I believe, was Carnegie Hall, but might
have been Town Hall.  This was in 1953-4, so Brant has demonstrated great
durability.  He has got to be well into his seventies at least.

>On the other hand, I find Liebermann's music undistinguished.

Liebermann's Second Symphony is gorgeous and hollow, IMHO.

Bernard Chasan