
Enzymes are the only biologically active-living- component of the food complex. The proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals and vitamins are inanimate "building materials"-animated by the enzymes.The enzymes digest, metabolize and use the"building materials" to build and rebuild our bodies.
   This biological force is the very core of every enzyme. Various names such as life energy, life force, life principle, vitality, vital force, strength, and nerve energy have been offered to describe this energy.Without the life energy of enzymes we would be nothing more than a pile of lifeless chemical substances .In both maintaining health and in healing, enzymes and only enzymes do the actual work.. They are what we call in metabolism, the body's labor force.
    Let me say that each one of us is given a limited supply of bodily enzyme energy at birth, although some would dispute this . This supply of enzyme has to last a lifetime. The faster you use up your enzyme supply, the shorter your life. A great deal of our enzyme energy is wasted haphazardly throughout life. The habit of cooking our food and eating it processed with chemicals; and the use of alcohol, drugs, and junk food all draw out tremendous quantities of enzymes from our limited supply.
    Gentleman ,to supplement your enzymes, one must eat raw food as much as he can, for all life whether plant or animal, requires the presence of enzymes to keep it going. But the mere touch of heat destroys them. If water is hot enough to feel uncomfortable to the hand, it will injure enzymes in food and that includes honey.
     george seferiadis