Alberto Cobo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Today the Spanish TV has given the following news: An English hospital
>has discovered that the hands of the youths are having a mutation for
>the constant movement of the thumb that presses the mobile telephone.
>A doctor has said it in this TV, that it is similar to what happens
>with the hands of the pianists who are gone conditioning the hand with
>a flexibility and special adaptation with the help of practicing.
>I personally don't see the likeness.  Better comparison should be with
>the keyboards of computers.  What do you say?

I use the keyboard every single day, but have only noticed a increased
facility in typing over time.  I wouldn't say that the appearance of
my hands has changed, except that sometimes I bite my nails in agonizing
over what words to type.:) My guess is that a cell-user's thumb is better
compared to a piano-player's hands because similar forces of the fingers
are used; but it really depends on the exact nature of how the thumbs of
these cell-users have changed.

hector aguilar