What I don't like about the movie "Amadeus" is how it makes Mozart
more appealing to the masses, for the wrong reasons.  Based on various
conversations I've had with people about the movie, the general consensus
seems to be that "Mozart was a real cool dude".  One person I know said her
favorite composers were Mozart and Vivaldi.  Reasons:  1) she saw Amadeus,
2) she had a CD of "The Four Seasons" played by Nigel Kennedy (who has a
really cool hairdo, and doesn't play like everybody else).  She also has
a CD of the Kronos Quartet playing modern music that must sound like total
cacophony to her.  I think she bought it because the musicians look cool,
e.g.  they wear leather, and some have spike hairdos.  She also has the
Beethoven late Quartets -- she heard or read somewhere that this was
Beethoven's best music.  Most of her collection is "alternative" (that
word really cracks me up!).

It's great if the movie Amadeus gets people more interested in Mozart.
However, they're interested for the wrong reasons.  How do you get them
interested for the right reasons? Solving world hunger may be easier.

Btw, I agree with Janos.  Although the movie had a lot qualities, e.g.
good costumes, good cinematography, interesting plot and characters, I
found it to be a little ridiculous.  Mozart's character wasn't believable
enough for me.  It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I'll try to
list some examples:

1) I thought it was ridiculous how lively and happy Mozart looked when
he conducted.  The only advise he have to the musicians was "early", or
"late".  I don't think the conductor's role even existed in Mozart's time.
Didn't the first conductors conduct from the keyboard, or with their violin

2) The show for the commoners seemed pretty ridiculous to me.  Aw!  How
sweet!  Mozart with his family, sitting among normal people, enjoying
entertainment provided by the seedy elements.

3) Mozart's critique and suggestions for the little march composed by
Salieri, and played by the Emperor was ridiculous.  The piece was supposed
to be simple enough for the Emperor to play.  I'm sure Salieri was capable
of writing more complex music.

4) The production of Don Giovanni was gimmick laden so as to get it's point
across to an obtuse, opera hating public.

Mike Leghorn