deryk barker wrote:

>>If you like solo cello pcs.  have you watched Yo Yo Ma's DVD series of
>>Bach's Cello suites?
>As much as I could stand. IMHO the music doesn't need all that added

I must say that I agree with Deryk on this and never watched them the
whole way through.  However, last week PBS in Boston had a special on
Yo Yo Ma.  It showed him working with the dancers from Mark Morris Group.
It changed my perspective slightly on the intent of the project.  More
than "adding value" I think the intent was to display the ways the music is
received by other artists.  In other words, when I hear music, the only way
I can express a reaction is through the grossly inadequate medium of words.
However, a dancer has other ways to express reaction as do painters etc.
Nothing about "added value." The music is still its own value.  Having said
all of that, I am still not going to seek out the tapes, preferring to put
Casals on the old stereo.
