Nicholas J Roberts wrote:

>Sir We've got all these periods of music Renaissance Baroque Classical
>etc.  We've called music from L'apres midi d'un faune Modern but now
>in the 21st century what should we call it?

I would NEVER call Debussy (nor Ravel for that matter) "modern", perhaps it
was felt that way by their contemporaries.

How about contemporary music?? Impressionism?? There are so many
musical styles in the 20th century, impressionism, serial music, aleatoric,
dodecaphonic, second Wiener School, minimalism, neo-classisism, (very) late
Romantisism, not to mention composers which do not fall in one recognised
category, (Bartok, Messiaen, Sorabji), neo-baroque....I am sure I forgot a
lot.  So I think it is pointless to look for a common denominator.  Just
stick to the recognised ones, than in any case you know what to expect.

Peter Wisse
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