Donald Satz writes:

>Steve Schwartz writes about his record collection:
>>Since I have an adequate collection myself - and furthermore one which
>>ideally fits my likes and dislikes (coincidence? I don't think so) - I've
>>given up listening to classical radio.
>Way to go!  I gave up on it a few years ago here in Albuquerque.  There
>didn't seem to be any point in listening, because every time I put on the
>local station it was either commercials, Vivaldi, snippets, guitar music,
>or some type of cross-over.
>Don't all of us have record collections which ideally suit our preferences?
>I just wish I had more-more-more!  - more space for all of them also.

I don't agree with either of these valued contributors to this list!
Hearing a work/performance, I've not bothered with in a great while,
just as reading about such a recording on this list, gives me the impetus
to go to my collection and re-listen to recordings of that particular work.
Moreover I enjoy listening to FM's classical music while driving- you can't
possibly bring a station's FM collection along with you in your car!
Additionally I enjoy being surprised, listening to something I've not
even thought of at all, like opening up a Christmas/Chanukah present!
Furthermore I do catch things on the road, I'm totally unfamiliar with
(such as Gaetano Donizetti's String Quartets performed by "The Revolutionay
Drawing Room" on the CPO label) broadcast by WQXR, recently faulted here as
only playing the familiar war-horses or elevator-type music.  "Snippets,
cross-over", BULLSHIT!  Losing a classical FM station such as WNYC is
losing a great friend who provides a great many gifts, and I've already
lost two such friends here in the NYC area.

Norman Schwartz
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