Bernard Chasan voiced some opinions why clasical music is not very popular
in general.  I think that, while many of his arguments are valid, the main
thing is a question of nurture.  It depends on a child being exposed to CM
at an early age by music loving and understanding parents, if he or she
will become and stay (!) a CM lover at a later age, especially in the
disturbing environment of a primary and especially secondary school.  The
love of CM has at that stage already to be deeply rooted, the child has to
be something of an individualist to be able to withstand the pressure of
his or her fellow pupils and not risk the possibility to become an outcast,
it is the same attitude, of not wanting to give in to the "prescribed"
dress code.  I myself was set on the track by my father, a good amateur
pianist, and I had my four daughters learn play an instrument at the age
of 5 or 6, and they had a good standard of playing, when they went to
secondary school, I see the same happening to my still very young
grandchildren.  It is difficult to be converted to CM at an advanced age,
which I observe with one of my sons-in-law, who receives a firm education
by my daughter.

"Peter Wisse" <[log in to unmask]>