Deryk Barker wrote:

>I reviewed these for Soundstage magazine a couple of years ago. You
>can find my review at

Just read your review.  You mention Harold Schonberg's comments
regarding the Ampicos.  In his review of our Welte transfer of the
Bloomfield Zeisler, he was, as far as I know, for the first time, lending
some credence to a roll recording.  "That she was great can easily be
believed from this piano-roll transfer.  There is a kind of authority
that immediately hits the listener, and it was recognized in her own
time...Piano rolls often can be anonymous, metronomic, dull; but not here.
A trememndous personality comes through, and a technique that must have
made many of her male colleagues whimper."

Karl (shamelessly plugging one of his issues)