Mike Leghorn <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>This is a scary trend.  Why is classical music so unpopular?

one opinion:  We're living in a world of increasing moments and tendencies
towards Instant gratification," and so classical music, which often needs
a context to be appreciated well, simply doesn't fit into the lifestyles
of the general population.  However, this would be an explanation for those
who believe that classical music is becoming unpopular.  Another way to see
the situation is that classical music is more popular than lucrative, at
least right now.  I believe that someone posted a while back a statement
that San Francisco was the only US orchestra left with a major recording
contract.  In this context it's easier to understand why CM radio stations
might also begin to fold.  But this wouldn't necessarily mean that
classical music isn't popular; for intstance, I am one of several people I
know who enjoys spending money on historical performances or performances
by conductors no longer living-- and let me tell you, they often cost much
less than recent performances of inferior quality-- and only rarely do I
spend my money on the more pricey recent issues, which often I don't like
as much anyway.  For better or worse, I am one of those classical music
lovers from whom the recording industry will NOT make their million
dollars, or at least not any time soon.

;-) Hector Aguilar