I was having the same problem on some of my hive boxes that I painted with
epoxy paint only.  I spoke to a painter about this problem and I was told
that the reason this was happening was because I did not use a real good
primer. (I did not use any primer).
After that I been priming the boxes with the best primer that I can find and
then I paint. The problem has not appeared again.
The profesional painter told me that the primer was designed to penetrate
the material setting a good foundation for the paint, paint alone does not
do this. most of the boxes that I painted without primer stated to peal in 2
to 3 years, the ones that I used the primer first look in perfect condition
many years later, except for phisical accidental damage spots, but the paint
has not even tried to peel off.
Also, is it possible that some oil got on the wood before paiting?.


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