I am also not a medical professional, but still have opinions!  :)

It sounds to me like a baby with poor muscle tone.  Babies with poor muscle
tone will nurse, but it tires them out.  So -- she nurses often, doesn't get
a ton of milk (because of ineffective milk removal), but enough to keep her
happy and growing slowly.  She doesn't nurse for a long time because it
makes her too tired.  She is willing to suck down pumped milk or formula
from a bottle because it is easy.  She isn't willing to work harder at the
breast to satifsy her needs, because she does take the edge off her hunger
by nursing often.

Solutions?  Find out why she has poor muscle tone and treat it, if it is
treatable.  Continue to nurse.  Pump and give pumped milk too in another
form -- cup, bottle, on cereal, etc.

There are literally thousands of different syndromes that can result in a
baby with poor muscle tone and poor growth.  The cause of this is not "using
the breast as a pacifier."  The breast is a pacifier.  The plastic ones are
the imitations.

Kathy Dettwyler

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