Kevin Sutton wrote:

>David Harbin wrote:
>>Could anyone please recommend a favourite recording of the Berg violin
>>concerto.  I would like to have a naturally balanced recording so that
>>the orchestral detail registers properly.
>I am rather partial to Perlman's recording on DG's Originals series.
>Coupled with Stravinski's concerto.

Apart from sonic considerations: the first recording by Louis Krasner
(1936) with no one else but Anton Webern conducting is still one of the
best.  Other great recordings which the original poster probably won't
like as technically they are not on a par with more recent recordings:
Getler/Kletzki, Szigeti/Mitropoulos.  From recent recordings the Zehetmair
is hightly recommended.  Also: Grumiaux, Chung, Perlman.
