Mike Leghorn wrote:

>Measures 68 through 75 of the 3rd mvt of Mozart's 41st, and the opening
>measures of Beethoven's 132 -- pretty much the same notes, only a little
>disguised in the Beethoven because they sometimes go from one instrument
>to another.  Both start with G#.  In the Mozart, this part anticipates the
>four note theme of the last movement, plus it contains a four note answer.

No g# in m.  68 through 75 in the Mozart.  There is one in the bassline
as part of series of chord outlines in m.  65 picked up by the bassoon in
the last beat of that measure, but they don't remind me at all of the way
Beethoven uses HIS g# as the first note of op.132 (in a minor).

In comparing the two places you describe they sound VERY different to me,
both in resolution of melody lines, mood, mode, rhythm, and texture.  Are
you sure you are thinking of the Beethoven op.  132 string quartet? And
the G minor symphony of Mozart?

Mimi Ezust