Today I will expose a case of royalties.  Recently I listened
in the hairdresser the Syntony of a radio station of Spanish Radio
(  Lately I listen to it everywhere, the radio,
the internet, the bus, the porter even has it syntonized.  It is a syntony,
as they have informed me that takes from September of last year.

Soon after I identified it as the theme of the second time of my Symphony
n# 1 that I have composed two years ago, registered and exposed in internet more than one year ago.

Legally I know that it is a plagiarism but the problem is that here the
lawyers don't find out because they don't know music and they don't also
want to find out.

Did this pass in the time of Mozart?

Here, in Spain, the laws are very clear but also very oily:  -if the work
is identified it is plagiarism.


Alberto Cobo