Welcome Julien, I have the radio on whilst doing almost everything.
It is rarely off ;my ears and senses pick out music without my realising
it, frequently.  I can go to the BBC Website if I can't find it in the
magazine, Radio Times, to discover what it was if I missed the
announcement.  I should say this is Radio Three, BBC, usually.; Just listen
and see what registers.  Choral and Orchestral? Try Verdi's Dies Irae from
his requiem, Rossini's Petite Messe Solanelle for something different-or
Mendelsohn's Elijah.  Try singing-join a choral Society.  Remember- no
chorus-no performance!  I'm not a Professional, but have years of
listening, playing for pleasure and can't imagine life without music:
it's my "Thin Red Line".(Look it up?)

Doris.<>< Suffolk, UK.