Re: 18 mo who only has breastmilk, let me share the following:
Dr. Fleiss, who is a pediatrician here in southern California, speaks
frequently at our La Leche League Area Conference. He's also on the LLL
Advisory Board. Needless to say, he is extremely pro-breastfeeding. Once, I
attended a session at our Area Conference where he addressed the issue of
toddler nursing. A woman went up to the microphone to ask her question -- My
son is 18 months old and eats hardly any solids. What should I do about it?
Should I be worried? Dr. Fleiss looked down at the toddler at her legs and
said, "Is that the child you're concerned about?" As everyone looked to see
who he was motioning to, we all saw the chunky, robust, busy, toddler, and
realized his point....A toddler that looks and acts fine is generally fine.
Some children don't want to eat solids until they are older, and that's not
necessarily bad.

I don't know the particulars on the case you're asking because of, but I
have to think that we should usually go back to the basics of not trying to
"solve" a problem that isn't really a problem.

Karen Lyons
LLLL in southern California

>Is an exclusively breastmilk fed 18 month old getting enough protien,
>calories, minerals, etc, etc, etc?

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