>but if you check out Dr. Brian Palmer's (he's a DDS) site, you'll find
> >that isn't quite true. If I recall, he got to examine hundreds of >skulls
>in the back rooms of the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. >He found
>more cavities in the skull of a child who died in the middle >of the 20th
>Century, than in all the skulls he saw of people who died >prior to 1900!
>Probably 99% were breastfed and didn't have >the 'benefits' of artifically
>fluoridated water. D'ya think there's
>some connection with diet & lifestyle?

I have seen thousands of prehistoric Native American skulls (which have
almost no cavities among the deciduous teeth) and I've looked in the mouths
of many children and adults in Mali, and again most of them have no cavities
whatsoever.  But the big difference between the situations of the
prehistoric populations and Malians vs. modern day US populations is that we
eat so much highly refined sugar, candy, soda.  If children in the US didn't
eat candy, cookies, chips, raisins, soda, apple juice, etc. etc. etc. -- and
if they cleaned their teeth properly, then there would be little need for
fluroide supplmentation.  But unless you are willing to drastically change
your diet, and your kids diet, then your choices are either fluoride
supplementation in the water or vitamins, or lots and lots and lots and lots
of dental work.

Kathy Dettwyler

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