The "Classical Music at the Crossroads" thread -- especially Joseph Sowa's
extended contribution -- has been fascinating.  James Horner was mentioned
a couple of times and this coincided with my first knowing exposure to his

Over the Christmas period I watched two movies with Horner scores.  The
first was the Hopkins/Banderas "The Mask of Zorro", in which I thought the
music was atmospheric and evocative -- therefore effective.  The second
was "Enemy at the Gates" in which my attention was diverted several times
because I thought the score was incredibly derivative, with wholesale
sections stemming from motifs lifted from John Williams' score for
"Schindler's List."

I realise imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and that many Dead
White European composers (among others) have lifted good ideas from their
contemporaries or predecessors.  But this struck me so forcefully I wonder
whether any other Lister has felt the same -- and whether anything has ever
been made of it?

Tim Mahon
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