Joel Hill <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Kevin Sutton said:
>>Tower is the exception to this rule, but now, they too have succumbed
>Sorry if there have been other posts regarding this.
>What has happened to Tower??

Roughly six months ago, Tower attempted to shore up their pathetic
financial picture by bullying all the labels into allowing them to pay for
product once a year.  (This is known as 365 day dating in the business.)
THe major lables agreed (after much wrangling) the smaller, independent
labels (Harmonia Mundi, Qualiton, Allegro etc) did not, nay could not.
Consequently, Tower ceased ordering from any company that did not go along
with their demands.  As a result, Tower's classical inventory continues
to shrink.  It is either being returned or is not being reordered.

In Dallas, the selection is a joke, and there have been few if any new
releases from the importers in months.  They continue to send back hundreds
of discs a month as well.  The justification for the returns is lack of
sales.  The lack of sales is a direct result of customer ire at their
pathetic selection and lack of concern for the customers needs.

I had been threatening to quit the record business for months anyway.
This was the final straw.  I can't even shop at Tower anymore as they
seldom have what I want.  Borders in Dallas has a better selection.

Kevin Sutton
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