Every classical record store I've ever frequented has a particular ordering
policy which I find inexplicable - they keep reordering the same discs that
they sold.  For example, I cleaned out the local Borders many months ago
of its Bach organ recordings.  The store simply reordered everything I had
bought.  For five months, these very same discs have been gathering moss
just sitting in the bin; they will probably remain there till Hell freezes
over.  Now if the Borders had ordered all different Bach organ cd's, I
would have bought them.  That would have been a nice win-win situation.

Does anyone, maybe Kevin Sutton, have any idea why these stores consider
it the bright thing to continue reordering the same inventory over and
over and over? It appears to me to be a totally ignorant and short-sighted
policy.  Simply ordering more of the same stuff because you sold it
previously is not good planning when the items in question do not have
mass appeal.  Or maybe I'm missing some piece of the puzzle.

Don Satz