Vivien Leong wrote:

>I always wonder why is it Mozart's music and not Bach's

I can't answer your question.  I must say that I think it's kind of
ridiculous how Mozart's music has suddenly acquired a reputation for
being good for the mind, and how prevalant it has become in children's
stores.  It's a sign of our times how people generally are shallow enough
to follow marketing trends, without having a true interest in Mozart's
music.  I picture people buying Mozart tapes for their babies, as if they
were buying baby food.  Being somewhat of an outsider who actually is
passionate about classical music, I sometimes feel resentfull how classical
music is processed and chopped up and presented in small "stage 1 baby
food" pieces that our shallow culture can digest.

To get back to your question, I think it is legitimate.  Can a baby tell
the difference between Haydn and Mozart? I don't think so.  Between Mozart
and Bach -- maybe sometimes.
