I appreciate Mr Sherwoods comments, but I think he has overreacted to what
I posted.

First, I don't believe my comment has the scope or the power to "calumniate
the educational system in the USA".  If you want to strongly disagree, then
chalk it it to a difference of opinion.

Second, I am aware that the term "Prop 13" refers to the California Tax
Initiative.  I am also aware that the passage of the California Initiative
prompted a wave of similar initiatives in several other states.  The term
"Prop 13" has come to mean an anti-tax initiative passed by the electorate
- whatever the actual name on the ballot and in whatever state the
initiative was presented to the voters.

Third, my comment did not single out any school or school district.
My comments refer to my own experience as a parent with children in
school and as a parent who talks to other parents in different areas of
the country.  Maybe Mr Sherwood's school district is exceptional and the
students come out of their school experience with some CM appreciation.
But Mr Sherwood's mention of "government schools" indicates that they do
not face some of the funding shortages other school districts face.

As to our esteemed moderator's comments, I beg to differ.  As I explained
above, other state's passage of tax initiatives similar to California's
Prop 13 certainly *does* have bearing on schools anywhere else.

Dave Harman
El Paso, Tx

[That's the strangest logic I've read this week.  That's not a compliment.
 Hyper-simplistic jingo-ism treating all schools districts the same and
 invoking outside influence as if each school district didn't make it's
 own decisions, prevents meaningful discussion - it does apparently
 facilite unfocussed grousing, as we have seen.  -Dave]