I felt prodded to write something.  Are all audiences similar or are there
worser, as the conductor in the anecdote complains over the Budapest jockey
club who are too shobbish to attend concerts with Strauss or Lehar, and
goes and disturbs all Mahler concerts with intern laughing and chatting
about their holidays?

Coughing has the inbuilt agenda that one who coughs can cough to disturb
(these should in my belief be few), but mostly he cannot help he does.
It should be needed a George Bernhard Shaw to sort out the bad coughers
from the innocent ones.  he could at least "take down" booing.  At one
performance of his plays, one of his belackers had fortified in the first
row of seats and after the performance, when the other applaused, he
applied budapestian manner with sitting long and shouting "booooooooh" and
childishly making the most and disturbing noise.  Then Shaw stepped out on
the scene, turned to him and said:  "My dear Sir, I agree with you.  I
completely agree with you.  But what can we two do against so many?"

Mats Norrman
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