Jocelyn Wang:

>Coughing cannot always be stifled, but other noises can, such as
>taking 10 minutes to unwrap a cough drop, talking, etc.  A
>composer I know, when attending concerts, comes prepared with
>cough drops for three reasons.
>1. If he needs one, he can have one.
>2. If someone near him needs one, he can offer one.
>3. If someone is talking several rows away and can't be shushed,
>cough drops make excellent projectiles.

My mother used to take cough drops to church and hardly ever needed them.
But if she forgot, she did need one.  I suspect Jocelyn's composer friend
may well also have that same (fourth) reason for being prepared.

If I were to be cynical, I'd suggest that some of the worst coughers are
those who are at the concert for the sake of appearances, have little
interest in the music, and would much rather be home watching a sport

Richard Pennycuick
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