Stuart Sinclair:

>I note from the Gramophone site that Warner is to cease producing
>Classical CDs.  Not good news for Classical Music Fans.  The plus side is
>perhaps Naxos might pick up some of their artists....  I`d be interested
>in what members of the list think....  The smaller labels may benefit.

One thing I like about NAXOS, BIS, Koch, Albany, Hyperion, Telarc and other
labels like that is that they seem to really CARE about classical music;
their performance and production values are high also.  I feel bad about
Chandos, which didn't make it, for reasons I don't know.  Another thing I
like about most of these labels is that they are interested in recording
new repertoire, not just marketing the same old stuff (read "received
canon") with emphasis on promoting high priced artists, as the "majors" do.

Jim Tobin