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Full-name: Latternerb
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Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 20:01:19 EST
Subject: puzzling case of older fussy baby
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The following is from a mom who's had ongoing problems with oversupply,
allergies of baby to dairy, and what she speaks to below.  She's given me
permission (gratefully) to post her email to me.  (Please keep in mind,
initally this baby had suck issues and I suggested frenulum eval by ENT which
wasn't done-frenulum problem not obvious but short and compromised tongue
extrusion at that time).  I haven't seen baby in awhile-now 4 mos-offered,
mom declined.

Any suggestions?  (Another aside: mom is highly anxious, high strung
individual and calls from time to time for support)  Thanks again for your
help; it's just one of those complexing days (and Sunday, at that!).  Flax
seed was my idea to increase EFA's and perhaps improve fat content of milk.

<< My problem is this:
 (though I quickly went out and got flax seeds, and have been
 diligently sprinkling them on oatmeal each morning. Things are
 better, but Jackson's been nursing every 2 hours)

 For whatever reason, gas, hunger comfort, Jackson will have a night
 when he wakes frequently, as in every 1-2 hours, and will nurse
 almost every time to get back to sleep. this sends my supply way up,
 and the following day, he will only nurse for short periods and only
 get foremilk, it seems. Whatever the pattern, after a night like that
 he has frequent, watery, gassy stools that no diaper can contain and
 cries a lot.

 To remedy this, I diligently nurse on only one side for several
 hours. This usually corrects the problem though it can take a day or
 two. But then ny supply seems to go way down and he is crying all the
 time because he is hungry, and I'm never sure when it's okay to nurse
 in both sides again. Inevitably when I do, supply goes back
 up.....and off we go.

 I felt it might be hormonal because there is such a fluctuation in
 supply, or because there seems to be such a big difference in the
 consistency of foremilk to hindmilk. If I pump for 1-2 minutes when I
 know supply is up, I get as much as 4 oz. of mostly foremilk. Very
 thin and watery. I don't really feel it's an allergy to something
 else, because he's sensitive enough that if a small amount of milk
 seeps in somewhere, I can tell by color, smell and the presence of
 small amounts of blood in the stool. I feel an allergy to something
 else would have the same effect and it would occur when I'm sure I
 haven't had any milk products. And I'll tell ya, if it is an allergy
 to something else, I may be packing it in with the introduction of

 I have a couple of days where things seem to be in balance and then
 out they go.

 I will say, perhaps the EFA's are helping, he hasn't had the liquid
 diaper problem in about a week, but as I said he is nursing much more
 frequently, though we have both been sick with a cold. Also, I pumped
 today for the first time in a long while and only got a  scant 2 oz.
 after ten minutes on a the "fresh" breast. The cold perhaps??

 Anyway that's my sad tale. Feel free to send it wherever. I
 appreciate your help."

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Sorry, it takes me days to get to e-mail.

My problem is this:
(though I quickly went out and got flax seeds, and have been
diligently sprinkling them on oatmeal each morning. Things are
better, but Jackson's been nursing every 2 hours)

For whatever reason, gas, hunger comfort, Jackson will have a night
when he wakes frequently, as in every 1-2 hours, and will nurse
almost every time to get back to sleep. this sends my supply way up,
and the following day, he will only nurse for short periods and only
get foremilk, it seems. Whatever the pattern, after a night like that
he has frequent, watery, gassy stools that no diaper can contain and
cries a lot.

To remedy this, I diligently nurse on only one side for several
hours. This usually corrects the problem though it can take a day or
two. But then ny supply seems to go way down and he is crying all the
time because he is hungry, and I'm never sure when it's okay to nurse
in both sides again. Inevitably when I do, supply goes back
up.....and off we go.

I felt it might be hormonal because there is such a fluctuation in
supply, or because there seems to be such a big difference in the
consistency of foremilk to hindmilk. If I pump for 1-2 minutes when I
know supply is up, I get as much as 4 oz. of mostly foremilk. Very
thin and watery. I don't really feel it's an allergy to something
else, because he's sensitive enough that if a small amount of milk
seeps in somewhere, I can tell by color, smell and the presence of
small amounts of blood in the stool. I feel an allergy to something
else would have the same effect and it would occur when I'm sure I
haven't had any milk products. And I'll tell ya, if it is an allergy
to something else, I may be packing it in with the introduction of

I have a couple of days where things seem to be in balance and then
out they go.

I will say, perhaps the EFA's are helping, he hasn't had the liquid
diaper problem in about a week, but as I said he is nursing much more
frequently, though we have both been sick with a cold. Also, I pumped
today for the first time in a long while and only got a  scant 2 oz.
after ten minutes on a the "fresh" breast. The cold perhaps??

Anyway that's my sad tale. Feel free to send it wherever. I
appreciate your help.

Sorry again for the delay.

Have a happy thanksgiving!
