Mats wrote:

>Mitch Friedfeld <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>De La Grange says that on May 8 (sic), 1906, Mahler conducted Tristan.
>>The next day, Hitler attended a performance of The Flying Dutchman,
>>conducted by Franz Schalk.  De La Grange adds that "probably" on May 22,
>>Hitler attended Lohengrin, again conducted by Schalk.
>Damned babble about De La Grange.  Whom do you take the man for? God?

No, I take him for someone who can do the research then come up with a
reasoned conclusion, like the above.  Unlike a certain person who shoots
from the hip to say that Hitler heard a performance of Mahler 3, when there
is no evidence that that was the case.  Who was that, by the way?

Mitch Friedfeld