Three more CD additions to our ongoing Max Goberman Haydn Symphonie Series

HS 6: Symphony No. 40 in F / Symphony No. 13 in D
               Symphony No. 17 in F
HS 11: Symphony No. 49 in F minor "La Passione"
            Parthia  No. 2 in B Flat / Symphony No. 2 in C
HS 12: Symphony No. 55 in E Flat "der Schulmeister"
           Symphony No. 15 in D

For information on ordering see

For information on Haydn Symphony wirth Hermann Scherchen see

For other LP to CD transfers including the first of our Konzerthaus Quartet
series release see

We are interested in adding another page to our website featuring the piano
artistry of Stanley Babin.  Several CDs will be available soon.  We wish to
find out the interest level first.  Please e mail back.

Thanks for your interest, encouragment, suggestions and support.

Pierre Paquin