Shaw I'd think would agree with a few remarks by FR Leavis,the great
literature critic:

   "The only way to escape misrepresentation is never to commit oneself
   to any critical judgment that makes an impact,that is, never to say
   anything. I still, however, think that the best way to promote
   profitable discussion is to be as clear as possible with oneself
   about what one sees and judges, to try and establish the essential
   discriminations in the given field of interest, and to state them as
   clearly as one can (for disagreement if necessary)".

He goes on to note that there were "complacent confusions of judgment" and
"critical indolence" in his field of study.  It would seem that the rants
against certain critics today in the music business come out of these
behaviors that readers pick up as forcing or channeling them down certain
paths.  Good criticism comes out of doing your homework.  I'm sure Shaw
did his.  Perhaps some today are just taking the easy way out?
