From: Albie Cabrera <[log in to unmask]> writes:

>I think here you strayed a bit too far away from what Mr. Schwartz
>intended with his list, which I think was meant to be a sort of "Top 50"
>list but nothing more...  certainly not a comprehensive survey of all truly
>hisorically important CM.

Maybe that's what Steve Schwartz intended.  But I'm sure he knows
that a canon, apart from its religious meaning, is a compilation of
authoritative and accepted works within a topic.  An RC of classical music
should therefore aim at providing juszt that--although with the most severe
concision possible.  Even so, I doubt that one could come up with a "top
50" that does the job.  Dave's list points the way.  But to achieve
concision, which I think is desirable, you need an organizing principle.
In this sense I'm suggesting that the various periods of classical music
should be represented by the fundamental, the mainstream, and, the
progressive--but in all cases be deemed authoritative even today.

Denis Fodor