Michael N. Butera wrote:

>>From what I can tell, there are currently two recordings of Hindemith's
>opera, Mathis der Maler available: Kubelik on EMI and Albrecht on Wergo.
>Has anyone heard either of these versions?  What are the pros and cons of
>the recordings? Given a choice, which would you purchase?

I don't recall many replies, so I'll add one here, not that it helps much.

I have both. I like both. My only objection to the Kubelik is, to me, a
relatively serious one: the recording of this very orchestral opera favors
the singers too much. Unfortunately, as is so often the case, I haven't
heard either in over a year, so I can't comment much more. If I get a
chance to listen to one or the other again, I'll pass on impressions.

Roger Hecht