Mark Landson writes about his premise that CM is declining:

>The major labels wouldn't be a shadow of what they were, and the
>classical market wouldn't have shrunk from 7% to 3%.

First, that 7% figure was ridiculously inflated; the 3% sounds like a
reasonable one based on the tiny minority who love classical music.

Second, I know what labels Mark is referring to as being on the decline,
and Mark needs to realize that that those are no longer major labels for
new classical recordings.  The environment is changing, and the decisions
of these 'once' major labels create counter-movements by other existing
companies and also a growth of new companies.  One good thing about
Capitalism is that it responds to *effective* demand.  So just be

We are a very small minority.  As listmember Michael Cooper indicated,
the future of classical music rests with us - our passion, ability, and
desire to expend resources and our time in the pursuit of our passion.
It's been this way at least since the 1950's - a small but dedicated cadre
of individuals keeping CM afloat, and it will continue unabated.  Mark,
have some faith in yourself and the rest of us.

mARk also mentioned that if CM was in good shape, there wouldn't be over
40 messages on this thread.  I have to disagree.  The reason for all the
messages is anger at Joel's ignorant statements and fear that Joel might
just represent the majority of folks.  But that's okay.  We don't need the
over-the-hill Joel or anyone else of his disposition.  Classical music will
continue to live on.  I must say, however, that I loved Joel's song about
the Italian Restaurant.  Regardless, the ability to write a few great pop
songs does not confer insight about the world of classical music.

Don Satz
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