Wilson Pereira:

>What about the other major labels (DG, EMI, Philips, etc) catalogues?
>Are they available for download? Does anyone know?

I don't know that they're available for download, but certainly you can
access many catalogues online.  Links to a large number of labels can be
found at Classical Net (http://www.classical.net/).  Increasingly, labels
offer online ordering as well, although you may well find that exchange
rates mean it's dearer to buy that way.

A less elegant method of getting a lot of information for offline browsing
is to go to an online dealer's site and enter a label in the search engine.
This is not quite the same as a catalogue, because you'll only get what the
dealer has available.  Recently, a Canadian online outlet was able to
supply me with a couple of CDs I'd long thought unavailable, so put on
your private eye's gear and join the other denizens of the web!

Richard Pennycuick
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