Jon Gallant suggested these recent and impressive violin concertos:

>Bernard Stevens (not very recent, mid-40s, but very fine);

The Bernard Stevens, at least, don't quite fit my bill.  I was sort of
surprised by the apparent dearth of currently-composed VCs, and really had
post-1980, even post-1990 works in mind.

As soon as I sent my note I recalled the 1991 Violin Concerto by Peteris
Vasks, called 'Balsis,' or Voices (G Kremer and the Kremerata Baltica
perform it on Teldec).  That would fit my bill as closely as Rautavaara's

 From the ones you suggested, Stevens's happens to be the only one I'm
familiar with (thanks to SSchwartz's postings about this composer; but my
favourite Stevens concerto is the one for piano, on Marco Polo.).  Again,
I'm not familiar with the other VCs, and may chase them all down; I like
Poul Ruders' 1994 PC, so may begin there.


Bert B.