I realize that there are experimental groups out there today.  I was not
trying to lump them in with the Top 40 stuff.  You are correct, though,
in saying that I don't know much about them.  My point was that the
vast majority of people who listen to pop music don't know about the
experimental stuff floating around the fringes today anymore than they did
when KC and the Sunshine Band and Donna Summer were the big charttoppers
in the 1970's.  I used the examples I did because they were the ones with
which I was familiar.  Perhaps I was too heavyhanded, however, and I
apologize to the Digest members for seeming "holier than thou."

My second point was that the vast majority of people today don't want
to expend the effort to try to understand either experimental pop or
classical.  Even within the classical world, there are places where you'll
pack many more people into a concert featuring Beethoven and Brahms than
one featuring Webern, Corigliano, and Nielsen (I would go to either, btw.)

I should expend more effort myself to explore some of the newer stuff
that's worth something.  In my area, though, it's difficult to find.  In
fact, there is NO classical music station in the Detroit area except CBC
Radio 2 in Windsor, and that's only half the time.  (I live in Sarnia,
Ontario).  Anyway, enough rambling on my part.  Have a good day, all.

Charles L. L. Dalmas
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