Peter Wisse enthused:

>One of my favourite cities is Stockholm, clean, friendly and spacious.
>Last week I was there, and I dicovered and bought an awful lot of Naxos
>CD's.  Nearly all large department stores have an extended collection,
>and also the smaller cd shops.

I have fond memories of buying a swag of hard-to-get LPs of symphonies
by Pettersson (this was pre-CD) from a large department store.  A very
efficient young woman deducted the tax from the price and arranged for them
to be posted home.  IIRC, the store was Ahlens (with a little circle over
the A).  Not only did they have a great CM section, but the food department
was quite magnificent.  Perhaps someone can confirm that Ahlens continues
to minister to the CM needs of the good people of that delightful city.

Richard Pennycuick
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