Margaret Mikulska <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Mats Norrman wrote:
>>Had Mozart attended a concert of one of his concertos and nobody had
>>applaused the 1st and 2nd movemnts, he had disappointed went home and
>>written a new 1st and a new 2nd movement, had he cared to work more at
>>such a lousy work at all, I tell you.
>In the past such applause was not unusual.  Allow me, however, inform
>you that the 18th century is over and the current concert customs are

I am fully aware in which century we are right now, thank you.  What I
tried to say was that perhaps in Beethovens time, when it was allowed to
applause when you though something was good, allowed people to feel more
comfortable then today, where most of people are afraid of even looking on
the neighbour at a concert.  Just with the result then get so nervous so
the cough and disturb the others still.  Probably the random concertgoer
feels that he is watching the graalknights mystery, which he doesn't
understand, and therefore he shall shut up and show respect for the elit.
And yes, when I don't know when a piece comes to end, I shout "booh".  I
wish all did.

Mats Norrman
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