
I can't help you with the trills, but for Bach on the guitar, you should
try the 8 to 11-string versions of the Lute Suites, with the added
resonance of the basses and the respect of the original harmonic ambitus.
You can't go wrong with the magnificent performance of Stephan Schmidt on
Auvidis (V4861) (reviewed here:


I can understand your remarks about Andres Segovia outdated style (but what
a musical soul!), but if you include the Gypsy Kings as a reference in the
domain of the spanish guitar (I prefer the term 'classical') I fear that
you know almost nothing about this wonderful instrument and its literature.
Please don't confinate the guitar in the 'agitated Spanish music', I'll be
happy to change your mind on this!

I'm not criticizing you, I've never listened to other instruments playing
this music and I should do it (funds for CDs welcome), but my beloved
instruments suffers too often this kind of ignorant amalgamation.

Best Regards,
Juan from Toulouse