Santu De Silva wrote:

>[BTW, there's a version of Peter & the Wolf that I remember from my youth
>that I simply adored, but I can't for the life of me recall a single thing
>about except that the narrator was amazing.  It was not David Bowie, nor
>Alec Guinness.  All I remember is the phrase 'swallowed her up --alive!' or
>words to that effect, in a very impressive, low voice.  Not a lot to go on,
>eh? I'm so frustrated I could cry.  It was an old LP or possibly even a 10"

I wonder if we're thinking of the same one, which I believe was by some
famous character actor...or maybe he was just British.

NPR has come up w/ its own *Peter* which it played during its pledge
drive and offered as a gift premium.  It's presented as a breaking news
development in Vienna, Virginia, just outside Washington, w/ many of NPR's
famous announcers like Noah Adams, Bob Edwards, Pam Fessler, Silvia
Poggioli, and others giving their takes on the events as they develop.

Walter Meyer