Donald Satz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>So, Albie needs to expand his horizons and find that there are always
>more and more recordings to get excited about; the true fanatic knows
>no boundaries.

Ummm...  well I did at least a little...  I'd already exhausted Penguin's
top recommendations in my favorite genres (genres meaning mainly
Mahler/Bruckner, symphonies of the other romantics, with some French 20th
Century thrown in) a year ago...  so for the past year I'd been buying,
within my genres, based on my past experiences with the performers or
composers on a disc...

I admit, with each year and as my collection grows (with ever more copies
of Mahler's 6th or Bruckner's 9th) it's becoming more and more rare that
I can look at what's available and find something new that interests me...
But new editions of the Penguin guide almost always give my collecting a
little kick.
