Denis Fodor writes:

>But the canon is about the nub of things, and much less about how
>they're expressed.

I would say that the canon is about the 'average' of things with a great
deal of 'follow the leader' involved.

>And the way we get to the nub of things is by seeking, and establishing,
>a consensus-- necessarily a societal, not an individual undertaking.
>You sift the opinions of the established authorities in order to set up a
>paradigm for what is good.  This is essential because we are individuals,
>yes, but in our relations with others we are but members of a community,
>or a society, or a culture.

Yes, but the subject is music, not world politics.  The individual has
no reason to do anything but look to his/her own personal preferences.
Consensus, whatever its merits, has no meaning to ascertaining and
following one's own musical path.

I think Denis and I are miles apart on this matter.  I wince when I read
"authorities" or "members of a community".  With music, I don't have to pay
any attention to those concepts.

Don Satz
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