Richard Tsuyuki <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>It follows, then, that a reason that Mozart, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky
>are so popular on the radio and in the "averaged" tastes of many listeners
>might be that they often provide a catchy, sing-able tune or two.

I guess I may have come in on the side of the "catchy tune" myself...
like I'd mentioned earlier, I'd performed for several years before I
became a listener of classical music...  I'd been playing violin solo and
in orchestras since I was little, but it took the sweet sounds of Pavarotti
singing those soaring Puccini arias (and *just* the arias at first, not the
whole operas...  that came at least a year later...) to actually get me
*started* listening to and buying classical music.
